Friday, July 18, 2008

4 Months of Happiness :)


4 months ago today I became your submissive, something that I have been thankful for each and everyday since. I couldn't ask for a better Dominant then you are to me, you truly make me happy. In the last 4 months I have grown and had some limits pushed. One of us hates skirts but the other one just loves them :) You have also have been so encouraging for me during my diet and exercise task, if it wasn't for you I would have gave up long ago.

You encourage and expect me to be open and honest with you and I have never once felt as if I was being judged by you. You also encourage me to learn and grow, which is so very nice because doing the same thing all the time is boring and getting to experience new things with such a wonderful person is so much fun!!

Being your submissive is so exciting and rewarding. I love being able to do special things for you, there really is nothing better to me then pleasing you and making you happy all the time. Thank you for allowing me to be me and appreciating my submission to you. I love being your friend, I love being your submissive and most of all I love you so very much!!

I look forward to being yours for as long as you will keep me :)

His Angel

I have a truly wonderful man in my life, who is kind, patient, and very loving. Oh yes and so
very evil .. believe me hes evil :)


acker said...

Happy anniversary!!! Such a lovely picture ... wow.

Lily said...

Congrats to you both! (And I love those panties!) ^_^

thewiz666 said...

Very nice panties ;-)


countrygl said...

That's absoulutley beutifull.. The picture and the words! Congrats to both of you!!