Hi to anyone out there reading my blog. For a while now I have been thinking about starting a blog so that I have an outlet to express myself outside the Academy. I talked to TheWiz666 about it and him and I decided that it is something we both would like.
Recently I have been going though a lot and dealing with a lot of emotions. This is effecting me both online and in my real life. I often deal with insecurities, not being sure if I am good enough. This is slowly getting better Wiz has helped me so much and his constant reassurance is so amazing. Everyday I love and appreciate him a little more.
A while back I found this submissive creed ... it is in so many ways the way I wish to be as a submissive:
I will communicate with complete honesty my needs, desires,
limits, and experience. I realize that failing to do so will not only
prevent my Master and I from having the best experience
possible, but can also lead to physical and emotional harm. I will
not try to manipulate my Master. I will not push to make a scene
go the way I feel it should. I will keep an open mind about trying
things that I am not accustomed to or comfortable with and
expanding my limits. I will continue to grow as a submissive and
as a human being. I will accept the responsibility of discovering
what pleases my Master, and will do my best to fulfill His wishes
and desires. I will not allow myself to be harmed or abused, I
know that submissive does not equal "doormat".
I will be courteous and helpful to my fellow submissives, I will
share my knowledge and experiences with others in the hope
that they will learn from where I have been I will take the time
to help those new to the scene start out on the correct path.
I will be responsive to my Master, I will not try to hide what my
mind and body are feeling so that I may assist Him in His
responsibilities as my
Authority, I know
that Dominants are not telepathists, and will not expect my Master
to know thought or
which I do not share.
I will never think myself a "better" submissive because I choose to
submitt on a
different level than
another. I will not be boastful of experiences I have had as a sub. I
know that my
actions reflect
upon my Master, and will do my best to help others see him in a
positive way, I will not
intentionally embarrass or displease my Master.
Above all, I will wear my title of submissive with honor, I will never
cause others to
think that being submissive means to be weak or sub~human.
I will take pride in who and what I am, and
will never show myself in a negative way.
Author Unknown
If you would like to see if you can find the submissive creed here
“How do you know when it’s over?”“Maybe when you feel more in love with
your memories than with the person standing in front of you.” ~ Gunnar
Ardelius T...
6 days ago
1 comment:
Very nice Curious!! I love that you included the creed there. I think it's a great quote. It will be fun to see all that you add here as you go along. And don't forget to feed that dog.
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